Weekend movie watch

Awe (Telugu) – movie review

If not for this lock down, I would’ve never watched this movie. Got to read about this movie from a friend of mine who had mentioned it in his recommendation list. The name sounded over confident and when I googled about the movie, understood that it was a debut attempt by the director. Right from the way the name reel was constructed, till the end, the movie was..hmm..new, for want of a better word. It resembles a web series in way of presentation and the story line was quite novel. It reminds of black mirror web series, where each episode is quite dark in theme and has a neat twist in the end. Here we’ve an anthology of stories, all taking place at the same venue same time and how each of them is tied in the end, forms the climax. I loved the chef and fish story, a direct lift off from Ratatouille movie. Instead of the rat it is a fish and a talking tree which teaches the guy how to cook. The next in my liking list was the time travel one with the watchman, sheerly for its amazing twist. The lesbian story would’ve been impressive had I not read the plot in Wiki. Rest of the stories involving the drug addict and the magician where not that great. Finally Kajal Agarwal, who has hardly 2 bits of dialogue in the entire movie, but the whole plot of it rests on her character.
Gils verdict – thriller movie fans would lap this one up. Ending may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but nevertheless an “Awe”some attempt.

7 (Tamil) – movie review

Another movie that I would’ve never known about or seen, had it not been for lockdown or for the recommendation. But nevertheless a decent one again. The tragedy of these films, that doesn’t boast of big shot names is that, they never get proper screening or publicity. Some of them are really amazing and this lockdown and OTT are proving to be blessing in disguise for them at least. I could never understand the title of the movie even after the end. But the story was again, quite novel. It begins in similar vein to “Naan avan illai” movie, with couple of women going to police in search of their missing husband who happens to be the same guy. Their life stories of how they met him, fell in love and him leaving them, all are same, spread across 3 people from different places. Eventually the guy gets arrested and then comes the 4th one who claims to be his wife, whom he also accepts, while rejecting the claims of other 3. The 4th one shoots him and he gets admitted to a hospital from where he eventually escapes. In the meantime, comes a mental patient to the police station, claiming that the accused is his colleague from 50 years back, while the guy in person looks quite young. Is it horror or supernatural or identity issue and how come 3 people claim the same story are all interesting knots to reveal. The twist is quite different and could’ve never been guessed even by the shrewdest follower. Regina has a meaty role of the 4 heroines. The hero looks raw and since the same movie is done in telugu as well, could’ve been a telugu guy.
Gils verdict – The movie is a tad tedious with same situation repeating. But the end reveal is quite novel. Could’ve made with lot of trimming and had it been bit racier would’ve definitely improved the experience. Nevertheless a different attempt.


Ramesh said…
What do the good lady and Junior have to say on your movie binging ?

Do you speak Telugu or was that the subtitle variety. If it was the latter, I am firmly of the opinion that subtitles suck !

Please watch mobvies that were made before you were born and review them. At least one Gilsu !
gils said…
Subtitles ilama I the dunno telugu. But it dies spoils the experience of watching movies. Vera padam review on the way :)

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