Kalyaanamaam kalyaanam

For the CBC newsletter, to post an article I asked for suggestions on themes and was recommended to write something about the current flavor of the month. And apparently, the valentine month is also the wedding month it seems. Probably the 28 day window is stacked with all auspicious days or due to positive(!!??) fall out of valentine’s day maybe. Give the credit where its due, but looks like wedding season is on us, as per reliable sources. By my missing memory, I could recollect attending about 6 weddings in past 15 years. One of which is mine where proxy is not allowed. My sister’s wedding and a cousin’s wedding comprise of two of them. Other three being my colleagues wedding each of which had its own story.

First in the list is my team lead’s wedding in Madurai. He had arranged accommodation for all of us and even a car at our disposal to roam around. We took the car to all places in and around Madurai and barely reached the wedding hall on time for the muhurtham to only see him tying the knot on the tv kept at the mandapam entrance. Next one was that of a team member’s wedding and this time it was in Salem. We took our manager’s car, along with him of course (yaar vandi oatrathu),from Bangalore all the way across Ooty (with a day’s halt) and reached Salem, right on time for the panthi. The groom and his bride were ooti vittufying each other and we were there to take snaps. The third wedding that I could recollect attending was of another colleague at Thiruneermalai. His being an orthodox family, they had visitors from almost all the temples in south India with each of them garlanding the bride and groom. After a while they both carried more flowers than Parry’s corner pookadai and I am pretty sure the “athchathai” that we threw couldn’t have been the proverbial feather that broke the proverbial camel’s proverbial back and caused them to fall down.

The last such event that I attended was the engagement of a cousin of mine that happened on Raintree hotel. There was this metal pullayaar that they had kept in the reception lobby which was cute to say the least and the buffet they served had amazing starters rivalling Barbeque Nation. Mathabadi missed chance to meet the kalyana ponnu and paiyan as they themselves attended the event online from their respective countries!! And I still wonder why I don’t get much invites for wedding. Something fundamentally wrong I guess.

The only other punishing ritual that comes to mind akin to the photo shoot in weddings is that of our president standing in salute position during Republic day. But if two people, along with probably 200 more, decide to go through all those rigors with tonnes of make-up lab tested on them by budding beauticians, it does require an audience and if that doesn’t motivate you, the food is always there as incentive.


Vincy said…
As i read this, I am remembering that I need to attend a wedding this evening.

I have thought wedding receptions and parties area great place to meet friends, relatives, acquaintances all at one place, soak into all the fun, jubilation and love.

In some weddings i have been part of the organizers groups and in many as audience, i thought both are fun. Even dressing up for a wedding and looking good gives me the adrenaline rush. But i might be speaking from a womens perspective totally ;-) :-)

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