Kutty chutties

My friend suddenly got a call from his kids school to come and meet him. When he went there the teacher showed him the answer sheet of his kid. Draw 5 fish was the question that was highlighted and against which the kid has drawn numeral 5 followed by fish diagram. The teacher hadn’t given her any marks for that answers but a golden star badge and made it a point to talk to her mom during PTA. In fact so impressed where they about the kid that they’ve asked her to be enrolled in lot other mind improvement courses. Reminds me of another kid of my friend. One day my friend had got an unscheduled call from her kids school asking her to meet the class teacher. Worrying for worst, she had rushed to the school only to be pacified by the teacher that it was nothing to worry, but the news was definitely about her kid. The teacher had shown my friend the answer paper of her kid and she was stunned to see the answer that was highlighted in red. The question was to name a living thing and a non-living thing. That kid had answered Spider for living thing and Spider web for non-living thing!!! This coming from a preschooler had shocked the teacher so much that, she was stumped for a response. Again the advice to the parent were on same lines. Make sure their mind develops free thinking and encourage them to grow along their thought process. 

In both the cases, there is no clear cut idea as to how the parents or the schools are planning to groom these special kids and how they would ensure the free thinking kids are allowed to continue their out of the box thinking style. Nor does anyone has any clue how they inculcated this kind of thinking. Whatever the future has in store of these kids, whether they would be shaped to fit in with the crowd or will they manage to hold on to their own, these are surely kids need to watch out for.


Savitha said…
True Gils, but in almost all cases (including yours and mine), the system of education and the constraints it lays on kids requires that they don't think free. homeschooling in natural circumstances must be an option. These mind improvement courses only add on to the stress is my view....
gils said…
bang on target adivasi madam..
Vincy said…
I am impressed that teachers noticed it and had a discussion with the parents. Good job. Those kids are awesome, am dumbstruck at those answers. May this tribe increase.
Vincy said…
I am impressed that teachers noticed it and had a discussion with the parents. Good job. Those kids are awesome, am dumbstruck at those answers. May this tribe increase.

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