Vedhaalam sollum kadhaigal – 2

With the right answer shared by Vikramadithyan, the vedhalam dutifully flew back to the tamarind tree. This time when the king went back to take the vedhalam, he was surprised to not a single green leaf budding from that otherwise barren tree. He cut the rope tying the vedhalam to the tree and lifted it on his back. The vedhaalam started giggling and began its charade of narrating another story, of course, with the same criteria.

Long long ago so long ago in the kingdom of Vrukshamapuri – Land of trees, a place where department of justice and police had no work, for people where righteous and honest, where department of social welfare was long closed, for people were friendly and supportive of each other, came an unique case. One fine day, the judge was woken from his deep slumber by his servant that a case has come to court. Half wondering whether it was a bad dream, the judge started for the court. Hearing the news of a case been produced to the court for justice, the king himself decided to preside over and soon the word spread like wild fire. The entire village was present on the court halls where the case was being presented. There were 3 brother, who were in handcuffs, standing perplexed looking at such huge crowd. 

“Today is a very interesting day for Vrukshamapuri. The rusting bell of justice has been gonged and for the first time in several decades we’ve a court case that has come up for justice. You 3 gentlemen have been arrested by our police for unruly behaviour and public fight. This is your chance to explain yourselves” proclaimed the public lawyer, after taking the king’s nod.

The eldest looking person of the trio stated the case.

“Respectable king and honorable people of this place, we seek your apology for disturbing the peace and tranquility of this wonderful region. We three have a dispute amongst us that led to this situation and require this honorable court’s intervention to solve the same”

“What is the dispute?” queried the curious king

“Well, we three are the world’s best exponents on our respective senses. Our sensory skills are so superior that we had a dispute which ones skill is the best”

The king couldn’t control his laughter. “What is so different about your sensory reception. I am curious to find it out myself. Please stay as my guest for tonight and tomorrow we will re-convene”

The king was very eager to see in person their skill exhibition. The first one had proclaimed that he was the exponent in the sense of smell. In fact, as a demonstration, he had claimed that someone on that bustling court hall had a septic infection, which turned out to be true. The second one claimed to have superior sense of taste while the third one was an exponent in the sense of touch. 

While sitting for dinner, the second one took one mouthful of the food served for him and almost vomited. The king was stunned and felt insulted. In an angry tone he confronted him.

“Why are you puking? Isn’t the food good enough for your?”

“I am sorry your majesty. But I can’t eat food with this stench of burning corpse”

The king was perplexed and asked for the head chef. Everyone in his team tasted the food and no one could figure out the unique smell picked by that guy. Finally they backtracked the food all the way to the grains and the merchant who had sent the grains confessed that his field was next to a cemetery and possibly the smoke from burning dead bodies might have got deposited on the grains. The king was awestruck at the performance and became even more curious what the other two can perform.

The first one who claimed superior sense of smell was taken to a separate room. A danseuse was sent to his room for a dance performance. Throughout the dance he was holding his nose and was visibly uncomfortable. The dancer got frustrated and stopped dancing after a while. The king ordered for the person to be brought in front of him and asked for the reason of discomfort. He replied “I couldn’t stand the stench of sweat and it was nauseating” The dancer got angry and she claimed that her makeup kit is made of the most sensuous smelling perfumes and she literally takes bath in them. The person was adamant in claiming the stench of sweat which made the king to do due diligence. It was later found out that the dhobi (washer man) who washed her clothes had carried them on his shoulders in hot sun. His sweat might have seeped in on those clothes which caused the smell. The king was astonished at this feat and was all the more eager to watch the last one perform.

Since it was already bedtime, they all resigned to their bedrooms. With the third one claiming ultra-sensitive skin, he had a special request to have the smoothest of bed setting be arranged for him. His room was made cool, fresh and very neat. The next day morning when the king called for that person, he was restless and was looking very tired.

“Did you had a good night sleep?” queried the king.

“None at all. The bed was extremely uncomfortable and itchy. Look at my back”. It was full of scratches and marks.

The king was stunned. When he enquired the bed to be checked, upon nine layers of the bed, there was a single strand of hair. The king was stunned to see the impact it had caused on the skin of that guy.

Now it was time for the result – who is the most sensitive of the three.

Just like the vedhalam – over to you for the answers 😊


Ramesh said…
This is at least not so appalling as the previous story you narrated !!

Still, these stories are so contrived that I wonder why they became popular in the first place.

I can argue in favour of the guy whose had an acute sense of smell - since the other two needed physical contact for their sense to manifest.
gils said…
I have tweaked the content for vulgarity. They were made famous by ambulimama I guess and also for adults it would make wonderful sense on morality. The society of the ancient was far more advanced and structured going bybthese stories.
For the answer, it's wrong 😀 it's the guy with superior sense of touch, for the other two were awake to exhibit their power.
G3 said…
Avv.. by the time i remember to check feedly app for new posts u have posted 3 already :O

Good that u already answered.. illati google aandavar kitta poi ninniruppen answer therinjikka 😂😂

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