Ticking tocking

With every passing day, I keep refreshing websites and checking social media, for THAT moment, when someone somewhere in some corner of the world have found a cure to this deadly disease. It is becoming more and more depressing with new of deaths across the world grow into alarming statistics. Having completed reading “Sapiens” recently, no wonder the author had called this period, prior to the outbreak of course, as the golden era for humans. For I don’t recall any other time where the entire world was tottering on the brink with no answer. That is the most disturbing part for every time, nature threw some attack on humanity, some bright mind out of the several billions abound, would crack the code and life went on as usual. But this time, it is already more than couple of months and the situation is far from normal and is becoming only worse. When at times of despair, humanity looks up to god and funnily even those very places of worship are under lockdown!! Literally as if the gods have decided enough is enough, it is high time you guys stood on your own feet and get this mess sorted.
Be it from some alien planet or through wild eating habits or through some weird wacko conspiracy theory of countries creating this virus as a weapon and shooting themselves on their own feet, whatever the cause or case maybe, it has set the world upside down. Everything that was right is now wrong and vice versa. Untouchability is no sin and is a government mandated practice to be followed. Imaginary money on stock markets are made to be exactly that, imaginary for some time to come. Banks can’t protect your money and money can’t protect those banks. You can stay at home and watch movies on the net, but no one would create new stuff for you and worse case scenario being, the net itself would be under severe strain and might eventually break. But no one has called things off yet. For a species so adamantly optimistic on future that we simply setup meetings weeks down the line and book tickets for travel months in advance, probably for the first ever time, it is all coming to a grinding halt when the next hour could mean vital.
Make as many memories as you can, hopefully happy ones.
Spend as much time as you can with your loved ones.
Eventually, we will tide over all this and the real wealth that would be left for us would be how we encountered the supposedly unsurmountable and invisible enemy. Definitely the moral stories for the kids at home would’ve gone through a tremendous change in syllabus and I look forward to the day, when I would read this post in jest and tell junior about it.
Stay healthy and stay happy folks. This too shall pass. Has to!!


Ramesh said…
Beautiful post Gilsu. Well said.

Yes, let us look forward to the day when we can read this post in jest.
Vincy said…
Stories and theories about the bio war abound about Corona. looks like the human race is looking at what is unfolding in front of us haplessly, without able to comprehend what is going on.

Anyways right now, let us just focus on the positives around us, think of all that we need to be grateful for, and as you rightly said, Eventually, we will tide over all this.

Hoping for better days to come

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