8 perfect murders by Peter Swanson - book review

I actually started off with a stinker line and then realized it is not fair. The author has written 3 amazing thrillers which happen to be his first three books and seems like he has ran out of any option to encash on that fame any longer. If his previous book was utter crap, this one looks more of an confused attempt, not sure of what he wants to convey. Going by the innumerous references to famous best seller thrillers by world famous authors, looks more like he tried to achieve something similar by quoting and requoting the situations from those books but eventually it all comes up unbaked. But one good thing about the book is there are so many famous novels that he has quoted, majority of which I’ven’t read yet. So in way it was an enriching experience and I got more than what I had bargained for. Another positive aspect that I missed to mention is the blog post approach of the author in telling his stories. Very easy on the eye and the pages simply fly through. I finished the entire book in 3 sittings of less than one hour each.

Story wise, as the title itself says, it is supposed to be about 8 perfect murders, each one based on a list prepared by the narrator, of 8 best crime thrillers involving perfect murders. Everything starts so sudden, starting with the FBI at the door step of the narrator, asking for his help as an expert alongside him being a suspect, them going on an expedition to victim’s places and the story or the narration rather moves at break neck pace. There is also the mandatory drug abuse wife who is long dead of overdose. Somehow substance abuse is one unavoidable recurring theme of all of his novels. She dies “mysteriously” in a car accident. The moment the line is read, you know she got killed and by whom. I was actually expecting split personality as the reason mid-way into the book. The ending kind of got me confused who exactly was the killer but for the author who definitely kills your time. In between, the author time and again tries to link each of the murders that happened with the famous novel he had listed prior by a different author. In fact he goes on to list a bibliography of books in the course of the story as references for potential murders.

Gils verdict – A potentially awesome theme that got messed up big time. Only for thriller novel junkies.


Ramesh said…
Interesting idea. At lest for the novelty, you have to give the author credit.

Fully expect you to read one book a day and write a review as Work from home transforsm into Read from home.

Yes, very uncertain times with the economic impact yeta to come. Stay safe young man.

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