Not so distant Dystopia

Not a term we generally use with seriousness but more often as a term for expressing frustration over the futility of trying to get the best out of someone and them not realizing the same. But off late have begun to notice an increasing trend where the term is used as a specific categorization in itself, branding people as “useless”. Whenever there are layoff’s or “restructuring” that happens across major companies, it would be the sugar coated statement, more of an open secret but the word as such was always taboo. But the casualness with which it is being bandied about, raises several questions least of which being ethical and decent.
Whenever people decry the caste system, they would always criticize that at its core, it never allows people to come out of the slot designated for them by birth, restricting them from exploring their true potential. With British mode of education system, for several centuries, we’ve been training and preparing our students for clerical work. All the while it had resulted in creating a humungous group of people who get “educated” for some degree and end up working on some totally unrelated field. Is this the purpose of education begs a totally different discussion altogether. But the fact that, going forward, we would be having an “useless” class of tagged people is “hair raising on neck” fearsome. Agreed that even without the tag, there are countless people who do fall in that category. But as mentioned before the sugar coating was the saving grace with everyone saying their 2 cents for positivity, hiding behind the slogan that no soul is potentially useless but only used less!!!
With all the pilfering and tinkering that happens in education system, it wouldn’t be too far away when certain types of education are available only to certain class of people, resulting in a super set of personalities as against a “sumaar” set. Even now the elite set of subjects are restricted only to those who can afford it financially. But if it is also going to get restricted based on categorizations that have never been heard yet, its next stop Dystopia. Harsh realities, bitter truths, biting the bullet etc, all of those phrases put together would never quite capture the impact of such a scenario.
Somehow with this virus outbreak resembling a famous Hollywood movie, the future is resembling “Mad max” series more and more!!!


Ramesh said…
What on earth triggered this post ?

Me suspects that Gilsu didn't sleep well last night, Madam chided him for something, Junior refused to play with him and ......

So Gils has woken up grumpy and has written this post :)
gils said…
Have been wanting to write on this for a while now. Dystopian movie themes seem becoming regular and more real

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