Fringe - What a drama!!!

I am almost done with season 3 and the fringe drama series has been all the more impressive, to say the least, across these 3 seasons. What initially started as some mad scientist, letting loose, his weird experiments on unassuming public has turned into an emotional drama of father son bonding, taking the central role, alongside the weird(fringe) events. It is amazing, how time and again, the script writers of the US drama series, work out such amazingly interesting stuff. Obviously they are having the cushion of a movie budget for every episode. But still, when one looks at the end result, it is definitely worth the buck spent. Pretty sure, they would’ve had lot more storylines thought out per episode and credit goes to the editors as well, for retaining the most interesting parts and leaving out the rest. Considering the story lines gets worked out only for 6 months an year and at times stretches over several years, it is no less an ask to ensure the sanity of the storyline and make sure all the dots are connected. Especially for thriller series like Fringe, where the initial eyeball catch bait situations, are required to be well established and linked back to the main storyline, well into the middle of seasons down the line. Having a sci-fi thriller that keeps the viewers engaged, ensuring that they don’t get over awed by the content at the same time, it is not too dumbed down, itself is a herculean task. Fitting in it deep emotional situations involving father-son bonding and love triangle between one couple, whether the 3rd person is none other than the same person from a parallel universe, is all the more fantastic. Kudos to the writers for conceiving such amazing storylines and that they’ve been well enacted too, is an understatement. My initial impression about the hero character was totally wrong. For all the sidelining in season 1, it got setup nicely on subsequent seasons and his role has grown so much into prominence that, makes all the more sense, why this character was given so much build up at the beginning.

Specifically around the dad-son bonding part, it shows the power of love and the extent to which a dad will go to save his son, even if he is on a different universe. The concept of the mad scientist, making a device to cross over onto a parallel universe, that too, to the exact spot where his alter ego and alter family resides and take the son from other universe and making it back to his own, is nothing short of kaadhula poo. If you can skip around the logic part, it is the reason that sets this sequence apart and forms the soul of the entire series itself. All those changes to the timelines that happen because of this act by the mad scientist, its implications on the other world, the revenge acts by them and the defense by the people on the prime world, all makes up for a fantastic set up to a grand finish, till now. Makes one really wonder will we ever see such attempts, even on a minor scale, ever be attempted in Indian setup. With web series, opening up lot of avenues for people to compromise less on their content, possibly, sometime down the line, we may have our own versions of such novel plots as well. The series comprises of 100 episodes and I’ve done watching about 50 of them. My personal favorite of the lot being, cross over swap, of the heroine character across the universes, how both of them end up loving the same person on the prime universe and the complications that arise out of it. Even though the hero was in love with the heroine, even though she is the same person, she is from another universe and the scene where the lady explains the difference was awesome. And the other aspect being the dad-son setup. Quite heartwarming.

Not quite sure, whether I would like the ending. But till now, the series has been top notch and is right up there on my favorites.


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