Vox Populi Vox Dei

The title translates to - 'Voice of People is Voice of God'. Supposedly the working motto of any democratic institution. Just like how the pigs did in "Animal Farm", an extra word got conveniently added to the quote and it soon became 'Voice of Select People is Voice of God'. This is what is happening in Indian democracy also. While the fact that millions of people are dying in hunger is a mere statistic and tonnes of food grains are rotting in government godowns is 4th page left corner one paragraph news, "hunger strike" by super special people hogs the media limelight these days. The irony of the fact could not be more hurting. When Gandhiji went on strike in post independent India, Nehruji wryly commented on the cost of keeping one man hungry as millions thronged the pandal where Gandhiji was fasting. The crowd which came in were united in their zeal and were staunch believers of the principles of the Mahathma. Those faceless millions didnt pose for any photographs nor were the intention to garner any publicity. By generalising the selfless act of the erstwhile generation, i am not demeaning the honest few, who actually believe that they can weed out corruption, by joining hands with these attention seekers. But it irritates the hell out of me to see people waving hands and smiling at cameras while sitting on the dais, totally oblivious to the seriousness of the reason why the event is happening in first place and shamelessly garnering free publicity. It brings me back to the title of the topic and its current relevance in the changed environment. We as a mob, always always needed a messiah to deliver us from our sufferings. We as a mob are irresponsible idiots to surrender the power to rule us without bothering to validate the profile of the nominee. We as a mob are downright foolish to deify those who have been elected to SERVE us and treat them as demi gods. Do we really deserve to have our opinions voiced is a question which begs an answer.


Aarti said…
You said it... So true and sad.. These days Media gives attn and makes us focus on what they find to be "HOT and selling"...

THis is one of the reasons why i dint go for the walk, or join the team at the beach during Anna hazare protest...
RS said…
My point of view, too!! Honestly, I was first impressed with Anna Hazare's fast and all. Then it slowly started fading with all the media glare, the present someone following that, the controversies sorrounding that and all.

Media- has got meaner with days....
Ramesh said…
Very true gilsu. RK Narayan wrote in "The Guide" decades ago, that we will deify anybody - even criminals. If any , that has only gone even intense - witness the number of godmen, conmen, gurus, and the like who so many deify.
gils said…

i wud love to take part in such meetings and organisations and am willing to go to any length to support such events..provided there is an iota of truth and honesty in it. Rather i wud try from my end to avoid sitations which wud put me in such a fix
gils said…

very true..many people feel the same way. its high time media took responsibility for the ghost it has created and some control board should be in place to rein in their high handedness
gils said…

so true. in the age of knowledge explosion and internet era..people still throng miracle workers and magicians. epdiyachum vazhi kedaicha porumnu yar kita venumnaalum poraanga makkal. and because of their blind faith and skillful conmen..problems are increasing exponentially. en appavoda thaathavoda timesla kelviya patruka mudiatha situationslaam ipo normal day to day activitya aaidichi. the sense of shame has taken a huge beating, esp for those in public life
RamNarayanS said…
neenga vaay (or blog) vechcha neram, vishayam allola-gallola pattu pohchchu paaththeengala. :) arasiyalla idhellaam sagajam illayO? Shanthi Shanthi. :D
naz said…
watever u said is exactly the truth.....and i dont think its just to garner mere publicity tat they are doing all these..anna hazzare and his lean towards modis side and the present huge support to this newly evolved baba doesnt reveal a clear history of both....... the media should try to remove their veil instead of singing hymns for them
gils said…

:)) it was ejpetted. ipdi saathveegamana muraila agitation panna govt knows for sure it wud garner steam. So ethachum eda goodam panni they wl kalaichify the kootam :)
gils said…

Velgum here...hey thanks for the comment.
Asha said…
fast panraram, lemon, honey and water mattum dhaanam.

no more vox populi, our voice gets drowned by the voice of powerful people

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