Milestone post

Self peethals time again with this space scoring another milestone mark of 600 thousand hits. 

With the last 100 thousand coming in this year alone, makes it one of the most traffic prone time for this blog. The credit for all and everything goes to one man you all know by now and he is none other than our dear Thala, who with his continuous words of encouragement, ensures that this kodumai continues for all of you who happened to stop by this place. Thanks once again and several times again thala for your positive words and comments. I look out for your comments more than the post themselves, which happens to be just a medium for cashing in on your wise words. And for all saga prayaanis who took their time in reading out the contents, thank you so much for pushing the needle further.


Ramesh said…
CONGRATULATIONS Gilsu . Hundred thousand hits in a year is a major achievement and is testimony to the quality of your postrs. You have lots of rasikas. Most of them sensibly savour your posts quietly. Me, make irreverent comments just because you are the most understanding of bloggers.

Wishing you many multiples of hits and readers.

Sorry Gilsu - was travelling and hence this very delayed comment.
gils said…
Avvvvv.. Thala comment came.. Yay

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