The In Between – movie review

There are certain movies that I like while watching and once the movie is over, when I try to think about writing a review post, I realize it wasn’t that good a story and had lot of loop holes. Considering that, at times, contrary to the popular opinion if I find a movie to be different from the review, possibly this could be the reason I guess. Movies are meant to be visually appealing and enchanting. They are meant for entertainment purpose for the duration of the run time and if the positive hangover lasts beyond the end credits, the objective of the movie stands accomplished. At times, the thoughts may linger as to how bad the making was and one may end up grumbling about the time wasted on such a bad presentation, which again is an impact nevertheless. Between the chasm of very good and very bad, falls the majority of the movies that fails to make any impression and are as quickly forgotten as the answers written on end semester exam paper.  The In between movie, falls into that category. Off late I watch most of the movies on OTT, on my phone, late in the night. Hence would be relying primarily on sub-titles and action on screen to keep me engaged. This movie, was visually very good and kept me engaged  almost for the whole time. The heroine being a photographer, most of the frames very good looking. Having revealed at the very first scene that the hero dies in an accident, while the heroine survives, the story is revealed and follows predictable line. The hero (Kyle) looks like Brad pitt from few angles and has the built of an Avenger. Heroine looks like a cross between couple of artists from “Game of thrones” series. For such a complex character, she has performed adequately, keeping the mystic sense about her retained throughout, likeable yet weirdly lonely person. There is no logic as to why she detests her foster parents, even though she explains to the hero about her challenges in accepting people inside her circle, as it contradicts the reason why she falls from a random stranger without knowing his intentions, while all the while seeing the true nature of her parents. The hero for his part, is someone who is possible only in novels I guess. He is well trained in multiple foreign languages, has the built of a bull yet very “tender” in his feelings, is part of his school/college rowing teams and is part time life guard, yet very mature in understanding the heroines complex thought processes. Guess the writer must’ve been a lady, for this character is nothing but one of dreams. There is another friend character who is equally confusing. Whether she is mature or comic or a romantic, it is all mixed up. The ghost or the spirit of the hero is also confusing. At times it messes with mobile phones of everyone playing the same song and at times its very feeble and powerless. As a concept it is a simple love story – the lead pair have a fight the day before the hero leaves the town. On the night of his departure, the heroines meets him, they’ve an accident and the hero dies. The heroine is heart-broken, literally and figuratively, that she didn’t got a chance to say proper good bye. But during the climax she does get to relive the accident moment and understands that she did confess her love to him, right at the moment when the accident happened. The ghost of the hero tells her that there is no regret and she gets a choice to decide if she wants to join him in spirit world or continue to live in his memories. What she choses forms the end of the story. While the chemistry between the lead pair was sufficient to carry the movie for most of the duration, as a story it lacks the punch. As a movie it ticks most of the boxes – good cast, songs, visuals and had it been aided by a strong story line, this movie would’ve been lot more memorable. As of now, its as the title goes – In between a good movie and bad.


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