Of moments and memories

I have mentioned before as well the purpose of beginning this blog. It was very famous when it came up and many of my schoolmates and college mates where bloggers. Along with Orkut, blog spot ruled the social media sphere for a while and posting their thoughts was the “in” thing. I wanted to reach out to them through their posts and opened this account. Gradually I started browsing blogs by others who were frequented and became big time fan of their writing style. At one point, I had blog rolled myself into more than a dozen blogs, each of them as varied in content as possible. Some of them had their own signature style of writing which I shamelessly copied and when I read my older posts, at times I wonder if it was guest written or did I even really wrote them. After a while, I began to use this space as a storehouse for recording my thoughts and perceptions. Gradually, it has become the space for me to vent out or open up about my own self and now its in a place which is more of a review zone, that covers books, movies and about my own self. I was reading some stories that were written few years ago and one thing I could find as a common link across most of those posts where the quirky sense of writing, which I had considered as humor. Some of those coinages make me wonder how it even got framed in my mind. And most of those stories, having been based on real people and real time situations with a generous mix of fiction, I tried to remember the situations behind those posts. The common factor that was binding all those posts where the kind of company that I kept in those times. By chance or design, I’ve always been surrounded by people who were witty and had such fun things to share about themselves or from their lives. Nowadays, the only person who gives me company are my own thoughts and its quite reflective on the topics that I post about. Recently had a get together of  my college friends where they were reminiscing about college days and were discussing about life at that time. I felt like an Alzheimer patient amidst them for I didn’t had a single recollection of any event that they were talking about, simply because I wasn’t part of any of them and even about those that they were mentioning about me, I couldn’t simply remember. I felt, I hadn’t made much moments to remember and had simply passed by, at an age when people are supposed to have the time of their life. I don’t have any regrets and possibly did what I am supposed to have done. Interestingly, the very people who were unsure of themselves, whether they will even clear their degree are running high end posts in their respective organizations. Some of them had the best of both worlds, having been good with studies as well as bunking classes and enjoying “rebel” life. It was fun listening to them, like how it was fun watching them do all those things in real time, if at all I had even bothered. I made a note that day, to ensure junior will have a totally different experience and will have enough moments to remember, rather than posting about it on some media years later. Who knows, when I read this post next time, possibly I may’ve something different to add : )


Ramesh said…
Lovely reflective post. That you are the only active blogger probably from all you had on your blog roll then, is a massive tribute to you. We enjoy your writing - be it witty, be it reviews or be it pheelings.

Long may this continue.
gils said…
Thanks thala. Kadai unga commentskagavay running.

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