Reckoning time

 The climax scene of Infinity way, where half of world population is lost in a blink, gets reminded time and again, looking at the daily scores of Covid fatality. Those countries who suffered the brunt of the first wave, were prudent in ensuring their healthcare setup got a proper overhaul to safe guard against the subsequent waves. India somehow managed to escape the first wave due to its lockdown measures and other stricter norms. But the election fever and other religious fervor along with hubris of already having won the battle made people complacent. The virus never went away and is unleashing its full fury on the healthcare setup, which is barely adequate on normal situation. Now the government is stuck in a catch-22 where-in they cannot enforce lockdown and loose the economy and at the same time cannot allow the present way to continue which will break down the already stretched health care setup. There is utter chaos on the minds of most of the people, even though ground reality could be slightly different. Especially hospitals and medical facilities have been under absolute and nonstop attack, besieged by people of all illnesses. Covid could just be one of the many ailments, but even for other emergency and life threatening situation, the hospital staff insisting on a non-corona test result could be a mandatory protocol to save other patients, but for those in dire situation already, it would only mean throwing their life at the mercy of the one up above everyone. Hope these unmanageable scenario recedes soon and sanity prevails. If at all anything, 2021 has made 2020 look rosy!!!


Ramesh said…
Your last line is so true. We thought 2020 was horrible. But now, by this year's standards, it was a "good" year :)

We will come though this, but I think we are permanently scarred. A prayer to the Almighty to be kind to us.

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