Jai Shree Ram


Certain dates are blessed with historical significance. Today is one such day that would probably go down in history as the day Deepavali visited India earlier than scheduled! It would be naïve to say Ram has come back to Ayodhya only after the Prana Prathista that happened today for the lord is omnipresent and timeless. But for mere mortals who attach materialistic meaning to every aspect of our lives, today is very symbolic and emotional, for, blessed we are to witness such a holy occasion. Just like how it would’ve happened originally during HIS time, when his return to Ayodhya after completing the exile and victorious campaign against Ravanan, culminating in his coronation, been witnessed by one and all, etched immortal on scripts and sculptures, with the aid of modern technology, today's event would’ve been witnessed live from the living rooms of countless many across the globe. Down South, videography or photography of “moolavar” is prohibited. Gladly such traditions are not followed up north because of which we got to see Ram lalla or baby Rama in all his glory. If HE wills, would love to have the darshan in person. We were watching the telecast live and one of the truly goosebumps moments was hearing “Kurai ondrum illai” being played on Nadaswaram during the culmination stages of the Aarthi! 

There were lot of commentaries that preceded the event where they were mentioning about how Southeast Asian countries have been influenced by Ramayana and Ramar in particular. Of the ten avatars, Ramar and Krishnar are celebrated the most, for the former has set impossible levels for humans to attain that are supposedly commonplace and are inherently part of our dharma and culture, while the latter is celebrated more for his mischievous acts as kid and THE most matured acts as grownup whose words of wisdom are opening minds of countless people even to this day. While Ram’s is a story of struggle and righteousness where he is the ultimate conformist, his life was not a bed of roses. Like his temple of today that had to be court sanctioned after being destroyed several centuries ago, his real-life story was also a struggle that truly inspires people as much as scares, to realize how important it is to keep up their word and follow the dharma. In certain ways the events that are unfolding today are reminiscent of the original in their own way.

I wouldn’t want to waste any words on the political angles to this event for the day belongs to only one and HE is the undefeatable warrior who was the original dharma yodha, whose life was truly his message. Absolute devotion and chanting his name are the only way to celebrate and remember today. All through the event coverage, my mom was literally worried that the event should happen without any external trouble or hindrance for she understands how difficult it is to conduct and perform an event of this magnitude! Rather than fear, it should be faith that should determine our course of action and HE who protects everyone will ensure everything will happen seamlessly. 

Very happy and glad that this space survived enough to record this event in a post. 

Jai Shree Ram.


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