The golden decade

The decade beginning mid sixties till late 70’s is probably the most favorite of many, cutting across different fields, be it technology, art, music, politics or sports. Something happened in that time where in there was a tremendous spurt of activities across the globe, which has pushed the human race to the point where we are now. Some call it great leap forward and considering the thought process maturity, the critical inventions and discoveries that happened, it is no less named. May be the devastating war which just got concluded and the great depression that befell the world as an aftermath, played a catalyst. But there had been wars before and there were even severe depression cycles, be it financial or otherwise. None had resulted in such a rich explosion of events, that has virtually sealed the top spot for humans on the eco cycle pyramid. 

One can find so many reference points as to why the 70’s happen to be the golden age of mankind across the arts and crafts that give us more than a telling evidence. Be it the music or the stories that were composed in that time, everything had an unique stamp about themselves, dealing with never before touched areas. Somehow the creators where enthused to explore newer domains and felt empowered or confident enough to try their mettle. Most of the blockbuster concepts be it for the movies or any entertainment industry specific, happens to have their root entrenched in the 70’s. The reason why I feel WWII could be one of the core reason is, before WWI, the world was spread across as several empires, with imperialism, slowly bringing them together under specific regimes. In WWII, all the wealth accumulated from those invasions and conquests, be it materialistic, spiritual or ancient knowledge, were all put to use. Be it the Nazis or the allies, scrouged the globe for any artefact or knowledge that can be weaponized. Scientists were pushed to limits and inhuman experiments were conducted in the name of war. Some of those actions, inadvertently, resulted in tempering the scientific curiosity, which snowballed into several glorious inventions and discoveries that’ve laid the foundation for the present era. 

Take a random sample of novels that were blockbuster in those times or the movies. Most of them had unique and thought provoking premises, that are being retold and remade even today, because the theme still remains afresh and relevant. Ditto goes for the fashion, music, dance and any other entertainment. The sad part being that, even some of the prophecies about the present millennium around the dangers of the pursuits made in those decades have come true. The essence of being human, the innocence of being human, began to get compromised from this window and has almost become extinct in present era. But materialistically and as someone who would want to have a taste of something new, it feels to be the best decade to have been in.


Ramesh said…
Methinks Gilsu is getting nostalgic for his childhood.

WAAAIIIIITTT . Gilsu was not even born in this period ? Whats he doing going all gaga for an ancient period ??
gils said…
It is a mysterious decade for sure.

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