Poirot time again
Read 2 Agatha christie novel back to back, leaving the third one unfinished. “Elephants can remember” was a book that I couldn’t quite understand and believe wouldn’t be on the “unforgettable” list by Agatha. Semma bore. Even though it was a Poirot mystery, the main detective/ lead is Ariadne. In the name of investigation there are conversation after conversation that it took me weeks to get through even half of it. Next in list was “Clocks”. The name of the book caught my fancy and was reasonably confident that it would be an interesting one. Again, the lead detective was not Poirot even though it was a Poirot mystery. But unlike the previous one, this story was narrated in a mix of third person and other characters, with the plot being quite intriguing. A stenographer girl is called for an assignment to a lady’s house. While she waits for the lady, she finds a dead body of an elderly guy soaked in blood. She runs out of the house screaming into the narrator who accompanies...