Of words and actions
Last couple of days had 2 experiences which were really interesting and felt were worth mentioning as well. One was about a book that I am presently reading – Year of Intern by Robin cook and other was an interview on a Youtube channel of a director. I have read many of his novels, but this particular novel of Cook had a different feel from beginning page itself. The foreword by Cook mentioned that the entire novel was written from inside a submarine and probably was one his earlier novels. Initially I couldn’t put a finger on it but when I realized that the first chapter went never ending, finishes at 102 page, something struck. Whenever I write blog posts, I just keep typing whatever comes to mind. Never ever had I any thought of converting any of the stories into books or even to write one for that matter from scratch. But realized that, if at all I had tried my hand, the end result would’ve been something similar. The novel that I am reading is just half way down and rest of t...