Berlin - movie review

 At times i wonder, how certain english movies makes us so involved while watching only to realize the wafer thin plot and so many logical loop holes as after thought, long after the movie is over. I used to think, it was because of the performances of the actors who make it look so genuine and sincere. Many  a times i watch those movies without any sound for late night is usually my movie watching time and i wouldn't want to disturb anyone. That became a practice and even though i watch movies over weekend during day time, i still forget to switch the sound on and just go by subtitles . Even with such reduced option to create an impact, some movies leave you spell bound throughout. Many of Tom Hanks movies are like that for me and he is my most favorite actor. Some how even without any dialogue, he can convey the scene's emotions. Someone who looks good even when he cries and genuinely warm when he laughs and when that guy looks serious, you know situation is grim!! I personally feel, Aamir khan looks a lot like him in certain angles. Coming to the topic of this post, i thought what would've been the reception had this movie - Berlin - been made with a stellar hollywood cast!! The reviewers would've waxed eloquent over the content and the way in which the story is taken forward, the performances of the lead pair and the reality with which the story is told. The list would be endless with not just a bucketful of awards, the movie, possibly would've made good amount of money at the BO as well. 

This movie, made in hindi, actually does most of the things right, except for casting. Not that the actors are bad or their performances poor. In fact, they sound so original, at times it feels like watching a documentary. After watching this movie, i realize the meaning of the word screen presence. That was what was lacking with this casting, which is of no fault of theirs. Performances wise, Aparshakti khurana, who occupies almost every single running time on screen, is so believable as the vulnerable sign language translator that, it made me wish they make this movie in English with Tom Hanks in his role. That would be quite some treat for sure!! The story is based out and out on espionage agencies and the director has tried to make a parallel between FBI vs CIA by replicating our own RA&W vs CBI(??). I personally don't remember any such inter departmental conflict based movies prior and there are several dozen such stories made regularly in Hollywood. Possibly, this story could feel repetitive or nothing special for those movie goers, but definitely a new attempt for our crowd i guess. A deaf/mute person is caught by an agency, who seek the sign language teacher's help to "talk" to that suspect, fearing he might be a terrorist, plotting attack against upcoming Russian president during his visit to India. For almost the whole of first half, Khurana talks for both the suspect and himself, translating his action and explaining what he said orally as well. The plot begins to unravel with RA&W tries to kidnap him and plants questions of their own. It slowly begins to move forward with the flashback portions explaining how a tea stall/cafe - called Berlin, was used as a hub by all agencies and the story goes back and forth as to how this guy ended up as a suspect, why RA&W wants to interfere and take over the case, was it really having anything to do with the presidential visit and who was the lady without any dialogue who ends up killed. All these are answered pretty neatly and it feels like watching your favorite spy thriller novel unfold onscreen. Barring so many loop holes which you begin to realize after the movie ends, it gives you a satisfaction of having watched a good movie with nice performances, so much so that, you begin to wish for your favorite actor to reprise the role!! 


Ramesh said…
Don't understand "presence". If the actors are doing such a great job that it feels like a documentary, then what more can they do.

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