What is the meaning of the word Avatharam - was a question I read somewhere, but couldn't quite reach to the answer section. While reading the Meluhan trilogy the question again came to mind. Do you guys know that the real meaning of the word "Avatharam" is "descent"?!!! While we worship most of the avatharams as Gods, originally they are a step down from their own divine self. Of course if you take a whole lot of stuff from infinity what remains is still infinitely more. Still why the avatharams are a step down from the divinity called god?!! To start with, the reason why the avatharams had to be taken by god in first place. Myth, story, fiction or imagination whatever the case maybe, the mistakes made by gods more often than not are the reason for them to "descend" down to earth. Apart from the first 2, the rest of the cast of the dasavatharam would've been to destroy evil. In other words, the avatars side with the good to root out the evil. T