I’m travelling alone by Samuel Bjork – book review

Well begun may be half done. But good finish is what gets you a well done. This book falters at the last hurdle and the hype it generates over the first 400 pages falls flat on the last 46. Thanks to mister Mages for sharing this book. A racy thriller nevertheless that keeps you hooked as much as it can. Even the ending is not outright blasphemous but compared to the knots and narration and the thickened plot, it comes out very weak.

The story begins with a gruesome murder, where a 6 year old girl is found hanging on a tree top with all her school kit. Wonder what makes a Norwegian thriller author mind tick, for they happen to be the most psychotic folks around, going by some of the books that I’ve read by them. Very methodical and detailed when it coms to describing the kills or the gruesomeness of it and more often than not, it involves children. Unlike brightness that can be increased or decreased, darkness has always thought to be on single scale. But these folks, keep pushing the bar on dark tales with every story that I come across. As the killings continue we’ve the standard, alcoholic, psychotic, depressed, suicidal ex-cop (a lady this time) who is called upon to solve these crimes and quite naturally the killer have been after her from the beginning, without even knowing if she would be taking part on this quest. Paired with the lead cop, she and him gets the case going and all those twists and turns and near misses with the criminal, the wrong guy being apprehended and the eventual mega twist of a reveal, you name it, the book has it all. It rushes headlong with various events happening in parallel, culminating in the end as two different streams that have overlapping characters present.

But for the ending, that raises lot of logical loopholes and how’s, this book is a delight for thriller buffs. If the lead pair happen to be part of a series, would love to try the next one on this series.


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