Appa-vi gils

If there is a portion in brain that deals with doing mischief and being naughty, probably kids these days come up with all of their cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla full of it. Junior on regular days is extremely naughty and mischievous. At times, it has been “brought to my notice” by “powers to be” that I always end up cranking him up a bit. Be it while putting him to sleep or for teaching him new pranks, my name is always getting tagged as the co-accused or as the hand that pulled the trigger. Poor me will be at the firing line, for him switching the lights off when someone is taking bath. Other than the fact that I lift him up to make him reach for the switch or to suggest it to him, it was always him who does the act. Likewise, while everyone tries to put him to sleep, if he gets into a giggling fit at some casual/normal/innocent antic of mine, how can I be the one to be blamed. It is a different fact that, it takes couple of more hours for the freshened up kid to come back to his sleep mode. But that apart, I the always innocent. Off late he has began to realize the hidden hand behind him getting the scolding  and warns me with a severe face that “enakku naughty thing solli tharathada”. He would then turn to my side with a hand on his mouth with a mock giggle at him mom, fully under her visibility, which would be followed by “idhellam urupdra case”a look by her on me!! While on bed, after marathon sessions in trying to make him sleep, wifey would fall asleep before him. I would be watching or reading something on my phone in reading mode with as minimal brightness possible. Suddenly there would be a voice that would proclaim, “yaaro phonea paakra”. Adapavi..irukarathu moonu per..ithula one sleeping and one about to sleep na appo vera yaar phone paaka pora. Idhuku enna neravay maati udalam. Next minute I would get archanai for neither sleeping nor allowing him to sleep. Pirakalathula politiciana vara athana charactersum ipovay inculcating!!! Waataa kodumai is this!!


Ramesh said…
It is not clear who is the Junior. Methinks its actually Gilsu !
SaRa said…
Ha ha ha. There is a joke doing rounds in my family that I have two kids - one above 30, and one under 10. Give a hifi to the mom at your home from me :)

Yaaro phone paakra --- Ha ha ha. Naughty boy!

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