Just junior things

Junior has this habit of enacting things. Possibly because he watches and observes lots and lots of videos. But he doesn’t just stop at enacting them, but would also go on to direct the rest of his “cast”. He would give dialogues for us and would ask us to say them in a tone he prefers. If we try something on our own he would admonish “Naan enna soneen” or “apdi illada” and when he is satisfied with our “performance” he would show two thumbs up sign and would say good job. He has picked it all from “Blippi” educational videos and off late “Blippi” has become his teacher cum friend and anything Blippi says is vedha vaaku for him. It is amazing how people come up with stuff like this where in they make a goof up video, try to act clownish or clumsy in a funny way attractive to children and make money as well, alongside teaching them good things. Junior loves attention and would literally turn our neck to watch him perform his dance moves or “pose” as he likes to call them. If we forget to clap, he would insist on it and would make a perfect bow to accept the applaud. Even than shouting or scolding, when he is appreciated for even smallest of things, it makes him so happy and energetic that, he starts jumping around. The other day, while picking  him up from school, he asked me to wait for a minute and went to the Pullayaar kovil on the campus. He was saying something and came back running. When enquired, he said, his class mate has beaten another kid in the class. So junior had reported that to Ganapathy and had asked him to scold the kid who is beating others. The seriousness with which junior reported it was too cute. Made me realize his belief systems are already taking shape and he is already on his own in framing his idols. All the more reason to get right examples set for him to pick and choose. All of a sudden, the weight of responsibility seems to have increased a bit more!! 😊


Ramesh said…
Yes, parents carry a huge responsibility ; he will after all get all his values from you.

By the way, his acting and directing forays are not surprising at all. Like father, like son !
gils said…
:) I am really surprised the way he is turning out to be. Hope he continues in same vein

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