Aftermath of a protest
What was heartening to see, turned out into the very thing, that people were worried about right at the beginning. Probably this was one protest where people willingly participated and more than being a war zone bubbling with emotion, it had also a festive mood to it. People from as far as tamabram and chrompet visited Marina beach with cartons of biscuit and food items to support the protestors and to be a part of it. The protest had rekindled that long lost fire that lay dormant on each of them and the tamil spirit was at its glorious display for all of those days when the students where at the war front. With their clear decision on not to allow any political parties anywhere near the protest zone, which was one of the sole reason for so many people joining them and also the dignified way in which they conducted themselves, cleaning up the place, taking care of each other, protecting the kids and womenfolk, the students won the hearts of all. Yaar kann patutho. The events of the l...