
Showing posts from July, 2024

Hello - this is the universe calling

"When you want something with all your heart the universe conspires to get it for you" has long been my favorite quote and at times belief as well. The quirky mind will immediately think, why don't we get those millions that we anyway aspire even in our dreams. But rhetoric thoughts apart, i personally have realized and seen, certain things happen exactly the way it was dreamt of, the way it came in my mind. It could be the song that i was humming in my mind, a passing dialogue on some random channel that could be a response to thoughts clouding my mind or a movie scene about which i might've thought of in random. Indha mathiri mokka thanama yosikama world peace, poverty, hunger pathiya yosikka poren!!! Overaalaam expect pannapdaathu. Simple C word to describe these is - Coincidence. It comes in different flavors basis the recipient and their mind state or the nature of the incident or the situation it presents itself. It could be a boon or curse, depending on the out

Of radio and music

During my childhood days, there was a Telerad radio box in our house. When you open that box, it will have funky looking setup with all kinds and colors of capacitors and other electrical related stuff, half of which i don't know by name. When it gets repaired, the repair person often will solder something in and it will being to sing. Nalla maatukku oru soodo illaio nalla radiokku oru solder was quite true!! It never played FM for it must've been the prototype used by Marconi. That radio was probably the oldest thing in our house and my grandpa was in his sixties at that time!! Forget about FM, even vividh bharathi was a luxury to hear from that box. For some reason, it rarely worked when good songs where being aired and will only play news and that too in the dullest drab voice possible. But when it comes to playing ads, it will be in full josh. Be it Gopal pal podi, Rathna fan house shiva complex pondi bazaar (for long i thought it was the full name of that shop!!), bison ba

Of humiliating humor

There seems to be a new kind of humor on the rise - the art of degrading. As per the social conventions or societal norms of the past 2 decades, nothing is sacrilige or nothing is sacred. And this is subjected to the terms and conditions of who is offending and who gets offends, basis which the interpretation will vary. With social media, everyone with a phone and data connection is judge jury and executioner across every topic and every personality under the sun. It has been the case since last couple of decades, but with SM replacing Mainstream media as defacto news channel for many nowadays, the problems arising out of such uncensored adaptation or aping of western culture breeds to several powder keg situation in countries like India where libel laws are at best non-existent or un deployable or used less. The thing with comedians being, they can degrade, make fun of in their words, anyone and anything from god to godmen to conmen to politicians (and i repeat myself) to personalitie

Life and times

There are certain movies that leave an invisible mark in your mind that you, even without realizing your mind keep going back to things that struck you when you first saw the movie and possibly over repeat watches as well. 2012, Final destination are two such movies that have literally scared the wits out of me and even though the scenes are quite familiar, they keep haunting the mind, whenever i come across any news or event that are remotely related. When 2012 was launched, the doomsday-end of the world-apocalypse news items were quite popular and that December was supposed to be the end of the world as predicted or left unmentioned per Mayan calendar. In the movie, even though the graphics are quite low level as compared to what we have now and what we had even then, the tsunamis that engulf the regions, the violent land slides and volcanic explosions and earth quakes all scared me with nightmares for several months to follow. I often get dreams about me surrounded by flood water an

The final curtain by Keigo higahsino - book review

 As mentioned in previous other posts, there are few authors i diligently follow for their latest releases. James Rollins, Matthew Reilley, Peter Swanson, Jo Nesbo and above all Keigo Higashino. In case of Keigo, i believe his books are already released in Japanese and its the English translations that are finding their way to the market now. Nevertheless, any book that i get to read of Keigo is an happy occasion for he is one author who rarely disappoints.  For someone who writes murder mysteries, by the time the plot unravels, the first time reader may mistake it for a mega serial transcript. In my limited exposure to books of this genre, seldom i've come across plots that are so full of human emotions and love playing a prominent role. In fact, the more you delve deep you will end up supporting the perpetrator as much as the police, who go about as careful and as meticulous in dealing with case, as if taking dealing with a delicate flower that may crumble if pursued any harder.