Troubling times
Unity in diversity!! Such is the disgust with which it is uttered nowadays that, every district and street declaring itself as a self-anointed country is not far off!! It may sound like extreme exaggeration but when you extrapolate the utterings and mutterings of local politicians and their side kick media folks, it is more than evident that they are not just sowing the seeds of discord against the concept of India, but are hell bent on dividing the nation into how many ever-smaller pieces possible!! Makes one wonder, how people get away with such things, that are clearly against the concept of this great nation and are literally creating disharmony amongst its citizens. Take for example, the recent “vadakkan” debate that has literally drawn a target behind every hindi speaking people in TN. The amount of vitriolic content being spewn online would make one wonder if at all there was ever a decent thought in such people’s mind about their neighboring citizens from other states. The way ...