The never ending show
“The show must go on” – the favorite cliché of entertainment industry. A statement with far deeper meaning than the superficial one of literal continuance. People in public domain, be it politics, sports or movies, are like products with expiry dates. Very few of them manage to prolong their end dates and for some, the public ensures it’s never ending. The famed lime light, not just puts the spotlight on the personality on focus, but also ages them quick. Few years back, while watching Wimbledon, my friend who is a die-hard Fedex fan, couldn’t stop admitting, grudgingly though, that Nadal was far better on that match. He went on to wonder that they belong to the same age group, yet the stamina and power of Nadal was impossible to imagine. I was stunned for a moment and immediately googled to figure out his age and was surprised to find that Nadal was in his twenties!!! Ditto for cricketers, who despite being on TV month after month featuring some tournament or other, often retire f...